Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It is a holiday meant to be celebrated with family and friends, though sometimes it isn't possible to be with them. Some of us are even lucky enough to eat or serve a marvelous meal. Either way, as a national holiday, I believe it should be spent reflecting, giving back and paying forward.
Yes, I am that much of a pattern nerd that I made my own Thanksgiving pattern :)
Last year I wrote a piece on Black Friday, the notorious day after Thanksgiving where all of America goes bananas over deals. My attitude toward this crazy post holiday fiasco hasn't changed. Im happy to see that a few large companies like Costco and Kmart are giving their employees Thursday off and will open their doors Friday morning. Other stores like Toys R Us, J.C. Penny, Macy's, Target, Best Buy and Walmart plan on opening as early as 5pm Thursday night! It makes me so upset that these large companies have stepped way over the appropriate line and are having employees miss Thanksgiving all together!
Madeline Kahn's reaction is exactly how I feel about large companies on Black Friday!
Now, onto the subject of all these "magical" deals America is so obsessed with. My question is is it even worth it? Don't get me wrong, I love getting a good deal as much as the next person, but if the lines for these stores open before Thanksgiving even starts, what's the point? If saving a few bucks on holiday gifts is so important, there are other ways to get a deal (and probably a better gift).
Line outside of Best Buy in 2011.
In recent years, a few alternatives to Black Friday have evolved, such as Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday, Fair and Giving Tuesday. I will be writing about some of these in the next few days. For now, know that standing in line in the cold, just to get a deal and maybe get trampled on in the process isn't worth it. Please opt to stay indoors with family, friends on Thanksgiving day.