Let me introduce you all to the Bedrock print. This was yet another print that has been in the works since I was an intern at Mata Traders in the fall of 2011. I had just finished my thesis project and was obsessed with hand drawn doodles. The Aztec/Southwest trend was at it's peak and I decided I wanted to make a pattern that merged the two ideas!
This turned out to be a bit more difficult than I thought. Not necessarily drawing the pattern and getting it into repeat, but the color combos drove me crazy! We had our color story ready and nothing worked well together. Should we use 4 or 5 colors? Should we stick to similar colors or go crazy and use complimentary colors? Is this even the season to use this print? It was a lot to handle. I had never had this problem before, but then again this was the first time I was designing for mass production!
Sometimes it really is better to take a deep breath, acknowledge that you have a great start on something and then put it away for a little while. We brought out the Bedrock print a season later and began to rework it in a different color story, with a new selection of garments and most importantly, fresh eyes.
Here we have the Bedrock print in three different garments. On the left we have the Singapore Sweetheart Top, in the middle the Kyoto Color Block Dress and on the right the Patterns and Pockets Skirt. All three items are now on sale on the Mata Traders site! Check out how Laura, from the Mata Traders Blog, found the Patterns and Pockets Skirt at Loufest and Dus, from Cuddly Cacti, wears and styles her Kyoto Color Block Dress.
Don't these ladies look great wearing the Bedrock print?!