Last Tuesday I went to the 9th annual Guerrilla Truck Show in Chicago, which is a summer event that takes place during NeoCon (the world's largest international trade show). The event is hosted by Morlen Sinoway Atelier and what started out as a 13 truck show, has blossomed into 60 trucks! This one night event, is an opportunity for selected local artists and designers to display their work inside their own truck (and when I say truck, think a moving truck... Uhaul, Budget or my personal favorite, Penske!)
My dear friend Katie Chappuis, was one of the few who made the cut and introduced herself to the design community here in Chicago! Her truck was by far, the most colorful one and she was very very VERY well received!
Katie Chappuis at the 9th Annual Guerrilla Truck Show in Chicago, June 11th 2013.