The rumors are true ... I really do love teaching textile design! This morning I had the pleasure of leading a "Textile Repeats" workshop and both of the participating ladies are University of Michigan School of Art & Design graduates. The workshop was split into two parts. The first half focused on actually using real materials (paper, crayons, markers, tape, the handy dandy printer and photocopier...etc.) to create different kinds of repeats. (That is personally my favorite -everyone gets creative with doodles!) The second half of the workshop is translating the concepts we learned using materials, to Computer Aid Design technology (i.e. Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator). We got some pretty funky practice prints while listening to some sweet jams and gabbing about the grand old college life.
If you or anyone you know is interested in this or any other workshops I lead, please check out the Teaching page on my website.
"Textile Repeats" workshop. 2013.
"Textile Repeats" workshop. 2013.